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Setting Exact Permissions

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Setting Exact Permissions #

Just like while adding or removing permissions we can set exact permissions using the “=” sign insted of “+”/"-".

Important notations #

Option Permission
user u= u=w / u=rw / u=rwx
group g= g=w / g=rw / g=rwx
others o= o=w / o=rw / o=rwx

Example: Suppose we want to give a group permanant permission to read, we will do it like this:

$ chmod g=r family_dog.jpg

Now if we do ls -l:

$ -r--r-----. 1 aaron family 49 Oct 27 14:41 family_dog.jpg 

Here we can see that though we gave the group exact read permission so now family will only have read permissions for the file.

No what if we use “g=” empty, this basically says to give all the empty permissions to the group which will result as:

$ -r--------. 1 aaron family 49 Oct 27 14:41 family_dog.jpg

Here we see all group permissions gone because we set “g” to no permission.

or we can also do the same thing by:

$ chmod g-rwx family_dog.jpg

This will also do the same job as the previous one.